Linggo, Oktubre 13, 2013

Contrast Poems

1. I am not a book so you cannot read me,
    I am not a book so I cannot give you information,
    I am not a book so you cannot give me,
    I am not a book so you cannot cover me,
      I am not a book so you cannot borrow me.
2. I am not a paper so you cannot tear me,
    I am not a paper so you cannot write on me,
    I am not a paper so you cannot burn me,
    I am not a paper so you cannot scratch me,
    I am not a paper so you cannot draw me.
3. I am not a cellphone so you cannot get information on me,
     I am not a cell phone so you cannot text me,
     I am not a cell phone so you cannot call me,
     I am not a cell phone so you cannot chat me,
     I am not a cell phone so you cannot recharge me.
4. I am not a teddy bear so you cannot hug me,
     I am not a teddy bear so you cannot give me,
     I am not a teddy bear so you cannot buy me,
     I am not a teddy bear so you cannot make fun of me.
5. I am not a television so you cannot watch me,
    I am not a television so you cannot louder me,
    I am not a television so I cannot entertain you,
    I am not a television so I cannot inform you,
    I am not a television so you cannot act with me.
6. I am not a dog so you cannot feed me,
     I am not a dog so you cannot tease me,
     I am not a dog so you cannot play with me,
     I am not a dog so you cannot bark me,
     I am not a dog so you cannot bite me.
7. I am not a dress so you cannot wear me,
    I am not a dress so you cannot buy me,
    I am not a dress so you cannot change me,
    I am not a dress so you cannot give me,
    I am not a dress so you cannot cut me.
8. I am not a rose so you cannot pick me,
I am not a rose so you cannot buy me,
I am not a rose so you cannot give me,
I am not a rose so you cannot plant me,
I am not a rose so you cannot smell me.
9. I am not a shoes so you cannot wear me,
I am not a shoes so you cannot buy me,
I am not a shoes so you cannot throw me,
I am not a shoes so I cannot protect your feet from rocks,
I am not a shoes so you cannot create me.
10. I am not a computer so I cannot give you information,
I am not a computer so I cannot make your work easily,
I am not a computer so I cannot make your work faster,
I am not a computer so you cannot chat with me,
I am not a computer so I cannot communicate with you.
11.  I am not a jeepney so you cannot ride me,
       I am not a jeepney so you cannot fuel me,
       I am not a jeepney so you cannot renovate me,
       I am not a jeepney so you cannot buy me,
       I am not a jeepney so you cannot fixed me.
12. I am not an apple so you cannot eat me,
 I am not an apple so you cannot pick me,
 I am not an apple so you cannot plant me,
 I am not an apple so you cannot buy me,
I am not an apple so you cannot give me.
13. I am not a rice cooker so I cannot provide your food,
I am not a rice cooker so I cannot make you warm water,
I am not a rice cooker so you cannot use me when brown out,
I am not a rice cooker so you cannot buy me.
14. I am not a chicken so you cannot eat me,
I am not a chicken so you cannot feed me,
I am not a chicken so you cannot sell me,
I am not a chicken so you cannot kill me,
I am not a chicken so you cannot give me.
15. I am not a coconut so you cannot make me oil,
I am not a coconut so I cannot cure your desease,
I am not a coconut so you cannot eat me,
I am not a coconut so you cannot juice me,
I am not a coconut so you cannot plant me.
16. I am not a banana so you cannot plant me,
I am not a banana so you cannot buy me,
I am not a banana so you cannot sell me,
I am not a banana so you cannot make an ice cream,
I am not a banana so you cannot make cookies.
17. I am not an ice cream so you cannot eat me,
I am not an ice cream so you cannot make me,
I am not an ice cream so you cannot buy me,
I am not an ice cream so you cannot sell me,
I am not an ice cream so you cannot give.
18. I am not water so you cannot drink me,
I am not water so you cannot use me,
I am not water so you cannot wash me,
I am not water so you cannot heal me,
I am not water so you cannot live without me.
19. I am not an umbrella so I cannot protect you from sun,
I am not an umbrella so I cannot protect you from rain,
I am not an umbrella so you cannot make me as a gift,
I am not an umbrella so you cannot repair me.
20. I am not a fish so you cannot catch me,
I am not a fish so you cannot feed me,
I am not a fish so you cannot eat me,
I am not a fish so you cannot fried me,
I am not a fish so you cannot watch me swimming.
21. I am not a bird so you cannot watch me flying,
I am not a bird so you cannot catch me,
I am not a bird so you cannot hunt me,
I am not a bird so you cannot sell me,
I am not a bird so you cannot buy me.
22. I am not a camera so I cannot capture moments,
I am not a camera so I cannot make a video,
I am not a camera so I cannot give a picture,
I am not a camera so you cannot buy me.
23. I am not a curtain so you cannot display me,
I am not a curtain so I cannot make your house attractive,
I am not a curtain so you cannot design me,
I am not a curtain so you cannot laundry me.
24. I am not a door so you cannot pull me,
I am not a door so you cannot push me,
I am not a door so you cannot lock me,
I am not a door so you cannot unlocked me,
 I am not a door so you cannot open me.
25. I am not a USB so you cannot save documents with me,
I am not a USB so you cannot save music,
I am not a USB so you cannot save pictures,
I am not a USB so you cannot make reports,
I am not a USB so you cannot save files.
26. I am not a news paper so you cannot read me,
I am not a news paper so you cannot published me,
I am not a news paper so you cannot give information,
I am not a news paper so you cannot give the latest happenings,
I am not a news paper so I cannot help you find jobs.
27. I am not a book so you cannot read me,
I am not a news paper so you cannot published me,
I am not a news paper so you cannot give me information,
I am not a news paper so you cannot borrow me,
I am not a news paper so you cannot sell me.
28. I am not a ball pen so you cannot use me in writing,
 I am not a ball pen so you cannot refill me,
I am not a ball pen so you cannot buy me,
 I am not a ball pen so you cannot sell me,
I am not a ball pen so you cannot give me.
29. I am not a pig so you cannot eat me,
I am not a pig so you cannot feed me,
I am not a pig so you cannot kill me,
I am not a pig so you cannot sell me.
30. I am not a bed so you cannot sleep with me,
I am not a bed so you cannot relax with me,
I am not a bed so you cannot make me,
I am not a bed so you cannot buy me,
I am not a bed so you cannot display me.
31. I am not mall so you cannot shop with me,
I am not mall so you cannot have a window shopping,
I am not mall so I cannot give you entertainment,
I am not mall so you cannot have fun,
I am not mall so I cannot give you business.
32. I am not watch so you cannot remind me about time,
 I am not watch so you cannot be fashionable,
 I am not watch so you cannot make me as a gift,
I am not watch so you cannot display me,
I am not watch so you cannot buy me.
33. I am not a wallet so you cannot kept your money from me,
I am not a wallet so you cannot kept your receipts on me,
I am not a wallet so you cannot kept your ID on me,
 I am not a wallet so you cannot sell me.
34. I am not a medicine so you cannot cure diseases,
I am not a medicine so you cannot make me,
I am not a medicine so you cannot drink me,
I am not a medicine so you cannot sell me,
I am not a medicine so you cannot buy me.
35. I am not soap so you cannot wash clothes,
I am not soap so you cannot wash plates,
I am not soap so you cannot wash your body,
I am not soap so you cannot wash utensils,
I am not soap so you cannot wash slippers.
36. I am not a house so you cannot lived me,
I am not a house so you cannot rent me,
I am not a house so you cannot build me,
I am not a house so you cannot buy me,
I am not a house so you cannot sell me.
37. I am not a Narra tree so you cannot build me a house,
I am not a Narra tree so you cannot build chairs,
I am not a Narra tree so you cannot build tables,
I am not a Narra tree so you cannot plant me,
I am not a Narra tree so you cannot cut me.
38. I am not a Sampaguita so you cannot smell me,
I am not a Sampaguita so you cannot plant me,
I am not a Sampaguita so you cannot admire me,
I am not a Sampaguita so you cannot sell me.
39. I am not money so you cannot use me in buying,
I am not money so you cannot pay your debts,
I am not money so you cannot save in the bank,
I am not money so you cannot change the currency
40. I am not a hair so you cannot wash me,
I am not a hair so you cannot clip me,
I am not a hair so you cannot ponytail me,
I am not a hair so you cannot straighten me,
I am not a hair so you cannot curl me.
41. I am not a scissor so you cannot use me in cutting paper,
I am not a scissor so you cannot use me in cutting hair,
I am not a scissor so you cannot use me in cutting cellophane,
I am not a scissor so you cannot use me in cutting clothes,
I am not a scissor so you cannot use me in cutting plastics.
42. I am not an apple so you cannot eat me,
I am not an apple so you cannot pick me,
I am not an apple so you cannot plant me,
I am not an apple so you cannot sell me.
43. I am not a song so you cannot sang me,
I am not a song so you cannot composed me,
I am not a song so you cannot relate with me,
I am not a song so you cannot interpret your feelings,
I am not a song so you cannot memorize me.
44. I am not alcohol so you cannot clean your hands,
I am not alcohol so you cannot clean your wound,
I am not alcohol so you cannot buy,
I am not alcohol so you cannot make me.

Linggo, Oktubre 6, 2013

Filipino Mythology

     In the beginning the place of Kaluwalhatian was joyful and peaceful. People live in their harmonous lives under the role of Bathala or Abba, the creator of  all things. People has given the freedom to do yhe things they wanted and to eat the food they needed. Bathala also gives his people the powers to protect themeselves.

     One day people decided to have a celebration in their town because they had a good harvest. Indianale the goddess of labor and good deed went to her friend Ikapati she is the goddess of cultivated land her gift to man was agriculture. These two ladies were childhood friends and they are popular in their town because of their beauty brain and great powers that can attract boys. Idianale went to Ikapati's house.

 "friend i have something to tell you" said Idianale with her giggling voice.

 " ohh! what's with the voice? Are you that excited to tell me the great news? ask by Ikapati.

 "yes friend! You know Dumangan right? The diety of good harvest..
 guess what?? He is courting me friend.. with the sparkling eyes and blushing face.

" Ahh really? well..good fo you i think :( said Ikapati with a fake smile on her lips.

     On her room alone Ikapati had form an evil plan on how to get the attention of her secretly admired man on her friend. She invited Dumangan to accompany her to the celebration in their town. It gives her the opportunity to seduce him. She always make efforts just to stay close at Dumangan. She even make Dumangan drunk and slept together. Ikapati make sure that everyone knew about it including her freind Idianale.

     On the other hand Idianale felt cheated. She got angry to Dumangan and Ikapati for they did to her. She used her power for revenge. Yet Dumangan did'nt stop apogolizing and courting her. proving himself that he really loves her. He also avoided seeing Ikapati and focuses of winning back of his girl. Idianale see the efforts of Dumangan and she forgives him. They decided to get married and planning to have a peaceful conversation to her old friend. Ikapati apologize of being mean to her friend and promise not to do it again because she already found his man name Mapulon the God of season. They are also getting married.

     5 years after Idianale and Dumangan has two beautiful and handsome siblings name Dumakalem and Anitun Tabu. While Ikapati and Mapulon had only beautiful child named Analogy. They live happy ever after.


Martes, Agosto 6, 2013


1. I used to eat fruits,
     But now I prefer vegetables.
2. I used to text my friends,
     But now I prefer to call them.
3. I used to watch love stories,
     But now I prefer horror movies.
4. I used to read pocketbooks,
     But now I prefer wattpad.
5. I used to write my lessons,
     But now I prefer photocopies.
6. I used to eat spicy foods,
    But now I prefer sweets.
7. I used to kiss my parents,
    But now I prefer to hug them.
8. I used to walk going in school,
    But now I prefer riding a tricycle.
9. I used to kept my old dress,
    But now I prefer to give them
10. I used to buy new shoes,
      But now I prefer the old one.
11. I used to eat oranges,
    But now I prefer apple.
12. I used to ride on a cab,
       But now I prefer jeepney.
13. I used to plant flowers,
      But now I prefer vegetables.
14. I used to buy foods,
      But now I prefer cooking.
15. I used to drink cola,
      But now I prefer orange juice.
16. I used to laugh louder,
      But now I prefer laugh out loud.
17. I used to wear t-shirts,
    But now I prefer formal wears.
18. I used to hang-out with my friends,
       But now I prefer to be alone.
19. I used to watch teleserye at night,
      But now I prefer to rest early.
20. I used to play piano,
      But now I prefer guitar.
21. I used to eat at restaurants,
       But now I prefer at fast foods.
22. I used to hate my enemies,
But now I prefer to forget them.
23. I used to put blush-on’s on my face,
      But now I prefer powder.
24. I used to color my hair,
       But now I prefer to black.
25. I used to wear jogging pants,
      But now I prefer shorts.
26. I used to play volleyball,
       But now I prefer badminton.
27. I used to eat breakfast,
       But now I prefer to eat dinner.
28. I used to get mad easily,
       But now I prefer to have patience.
29. I used to catch birds,
But now I prefer taking care of them.
30. I used to wear sandals,
   But now I prefer rubber shoes.
31. I used to wear flat shoes,
      But now I prefer high heeled shoes.
32. I used to listen on radio,
       But now I prefer listening music to my phone.
33. I used to drink coffee,
    But now I prefer milk.
34. I used to swim in the sea,
      But now I prefer in pool.
35. I used to save money in piggy bank,
     But now I prefer in the bank.
36. I used to eat chicken,
      But now I prefer beef.
37. I used to aet boy bawang,
       But now I prefer nagaraya.
38. I used to wear back pack,
     But now I prefer sling bag.
39. I used to sleep beside my mother,
       But now I prefer sleeping alone.
40. I used to feed birds,
     But now I prefer chickens.
41. I used to write blue ballpen,
       But now I prefer black ball pen.
42. I used to pray every Sunday,
     But now I prefer everyday.
43. I used to study my lessons every examination day,
      But now I prefer every day.
44. I used to baked cakes,
     But now I prefer cookies.
45. I used to wash my clothes every day,
But now I prefer every weekends.
46. I used to clean my room every month,
    But now I prefer every weekends.
47. I used to have a one friend,
    But now I prefer many friends.
48. I used to buy clothes in mall,
      But now I prefer in department stores.
49. I used to eat in Jollibee,
       But now I prefer in macdo.
50. I used to care for my friends,

   But now I prefer caring for my boyfriend.

Lunes, Agosto 5, 2013


1. I was in my room
    when i saw your picture hanging
    and said i miss you.

2. Can't you see it?
    I love  you from the start
    hope that it won't be sorry.

3. As I saw you near
    My heart gently whispers your name
    saying I love you.

4. Lying on my bed
    I usually think of you
    dreaming were together.

5. If you only knew
    I love you first I saw you
    wanting you to be mine.

6. The smile on your lips
    the sparkling of your brown eyes
    makes my day complete.

7. My heart beats faster
    whenever I saw you near
    staring at me.

8. I was in the highway
    when I saw you in the store
    and said ohh! your so cute.

9. As my tears falls down
    I wish your at my side
    hugging me tightly.

10. I'm only a person
      but i can be one person
     who makes difference.

11. Our lives are shaped by
      those who love and care for us
      but refuse to do it.

12. People like you are,
     the reason why people like me
     need a medication.

13. My favorite kind of pain
      is in my stomach when my friends
      make me laugh too hard.

14. I don't care if people
      don't like me anymore
      after all im not a toy.

15. I love it when
      you take the hairs out of my face
      and whispers your cute.

16. An old silent pond
      a frog jumps into the pond
     splash! silence again.

17. Autumn moonlight
      a worm digs silently
      into the chestnut.

18. Over the wintry
      forest, winds howl in rage
      with no leaves to blow.

19. As the wind does blow
      across the tress, I see the
      buds blooming in May.

20.I walk across sand
     and find myself blistering
     In the hot hot heat.

21.Falling to the ground,
     I watch a leaf settle down
     in a bed of brown.

22. It's cold and I wait
      for someone to shelter me
      and take me from here.

23. I hear crackling
      crunch of today's new found day
      and know it won't last.

24. Falling to the ground
     I watch a leaf settle down
     in a bed of brown.

25.A cricket disturbed
     the sleeping child on the porch
      a man smoked and smiled.

26. I'm turning over
      look out and give me room there
      you cricket you.
